The Regenerative Community Summit
Leading with Community Building Toward Change in Society (vs. Movements)
November 12, 2024 (Tues) from 9:00am – 1:00pm Pacific Time
Every year, the Institute takes one subject and offers a Regenerative take on it. It is always a nodal subject relating to life, Earth, and all the living beings in and on it. One subject, we think, is being taken on by the well-intended members of business or institutions. They are working from a Worldview that is incomplete, missing core understanding, or using inaccurate foundations through lack of precision and rigor. We offer a Regenerative, Living Systems Worldview, to invite businesses, organizations, and organized entities, who see and have with right-intentions, to further examine the current approach and focus as a way of answering the urgent and wicked questions being demanded now. This year, we scrutinize and examine the idea and effects of creating Movements. They arise on a variety of subjects such as governance and societal issues. We will examine the difference by using the reconciling effect of Community Development in local and national large scale challenges that affect us all.
Current approaches to this division are to seek to energize people on a new path that they see as ‘doing the right thing.” From a nationalistic, religious, or moral ethic perspective. When made into a public movement, these movements come into conflict since they are each partial, incomplete, and designed from “doing the right thing” from one window on the world. It is not about negotiating, debating better, or finding and convincing with winning arguments. Or engaging thought leaders and influencer. All of these make the polarizing energies worse.

Citizens are less ideologically polarized than they think they are, and that misperception is greatest for the most politically engaged people. As a result the tendency is to work on fixing the polarization directly and work on issues more actively. What if the means we are going about change and agreement is only making it worse.

“Carol is a visionary, giving us revolutionary, yet proven ideas, of what The Business of the Future looks like and how to create it, NOW. Carol’s work continues to be an amazing source of inspiration for Google Food Innovation Program—her approach to business is one of our foundational philosophies!”
– Michiel Bakker, Director, Google Global VP
Business Teams Only. No Consultants. Email Carol to confirm fit. No refunds.
At this year’s Summit:
We will challenge our assumptions and convictions about:
• The difference between working on symptoms we can see directly and those we work on indirectly, but are causally related. We go to Cause, because they lie behind or beneath what we can see. But when we work causally, we move more mountains, with less time and resources with better outcomes.
• The role of identifying vs identity in community building. How we let ourselves be defined by emotional drivers forming movements versus connect our Essence to community endeavors.
• The six drains that divert focus toward piecemeal efforts and how to explore what to do instead. How to design to circumvent these diversions and pull energy toward unitive energies based on 6 Value Adding Processes that serve to organize and catalyzing perspectives on polarizing topics and approached. Leading to endeavors that entrench the ruts that most need eroding.
• The underlying premises about how change and alignment happenm that, if challenged and evolved, would give all of us a better footing for shared living.
• Redesigning work and work practices to promote community in HOW system works and can serve all citizens, rather than workarounds, accommodations, legal actions, and activists approaches that often make matters worse in some domains and replace them with (re)designing how we organize for change. We use effective means as the Indirect approaches that are fastest than the Sisphian task of pushing conflicted groups and persons to our worldview. We can raise everyone in the whole system up because, and so that, it is close to impossible to conflict with anyone.
How the Event works!
This is a workshop—not a lecture, with presentations or talking heads. Attendees use reflection, dialogue and experiments to validate ideas and concepts for themselves. They use candidate premises, not borrowed practices that are untested; ones that have been effective in other places. There are no debates or arguing for a position with talking points. Come only if you are open to generating alternative ideas and practices and are willing to wrestle with your own beliefs as well as ones we offer. We are not offering programs and templates, but a new set of premises/beliefs and principles from which to design your future, based on hundreds of experiences around the world. We are most interested in small groups of leaders attending who are deeply dedicated to bringing about deep change by experiencing and exploring different approaches, putting new ways of thinking against our experience, and applying these toward very old and entrenched problems that it is high time to solve. Bring a beginner’s mind!
Outcomes: Create For Yourselves During the Day!
• A new vetted set of premises about approaches to designing programs, systems and structures that benefit all parties—that can be life-changing to those who are leaders in endeavors
• New work designs that improve those most often polarizing while simultaneously make it a better place for all, in terms or economies, goverance, and business bottom and top line. So, no trade-offs.
We offer frameworks for design that are alive and will be used recurringly. You group sets and resets, your own course based on a shift in your foundation premises and concepts about how change works. The day should be disruptive and lead you to be ready to question, design, and dialogue to start the change. We do offer a Regenerative Academy and Agora, a Developmental Study Set of Suites for groups and organizations and we can tell you more to see if it is a fit for your plans after the Summit. Our attendees will have much to start with.
“Carol Sanford transforms how to think about business and the world—producing not only sustainable prosperity but levels of meaning and commitment that most firms only dream of. She has created the prototype for the Business of the Future.”
– Rebecca Henderson, Senator John Heinz Professor, Harvard Business School
Investment Fee: $648 for first 3 participants from a single company, $216 for each additional attending member. As always, it takes a team, not individuals, to engage in the full experience of the Summit. We charge for 3 attendees even if bringing less. But we suggest you pay to bring more. The average is 6 per company. A cross section of perspectives or roles is typical and advised.
Business Teams Only. No Consultants. Email Carol to confirm fit. No refunds.
“Carol Sanford’s Regenerative way of working with Seventh Generation opened a door to a whole new level of engaging in everything we do—from how we organize the company, to strategic thinking, working with stakeholders, product development, and marketing. We have dramatically improved our strategic leadership and organizational practices. This has contributed significantly to growth of 45 percent in our first year and over 60 percent in the following years. This approach is foundational to the, and our, future.”
– Jeffrey Hollender, Co-Founder of Seventh Generation and American Sustainable Business Council.

Who should attend:
Three or more parties from the same organization or effort who have position or authority to carry forward ideas and new thinking that arises, into practice. It is great for those who LOVE our idea of how the event will work!. i. e. Design during session to implements when leave. There is no single party attendance and therefore no tickets for one person. You will be in working groups with your organization colleagues designing from new premises you are and what considering alternatives you can generate a path forward giving you hope and get you excited. Multiple perspective is important so cross functional teams and roles will bring the most, and most rapid, change.
$648 for first 3 participants, $216 for each additional attending member. As always, it takes a team, not individuals, to engage in the full experience of the Summit. We charge for 3 attendees even if bringing less. But we suggest you pay to bring more. The average is 6 per group. A cross section of perspectives or roles is typical and advised.
This is not a license to teach our proprietary material (not a train the trainers) what you learn, only to apply it in your setting. See Terms and Conditions here.
Business Teams Only! No consultants. Email Carol with questions and confirmation of fit before paying. No refunds. We have a Change Agent Community for consultants. Inquire here.
Regenerative Academy and Agora
We have new developmental self-study suites of materials for a dozen subjects, offered from a Regenerative Paradigm. From DEI to Toxic Practices. We also have a suite for each book Carol has written. Coming soon!
Business Teams Only. No Consultants. Email Carol to confirm fit. No refunds.

Producer and Director
Carol Sanford, founder of Carol Sanford Institute, has an extraordinarily successful forty-year track record of growing businesses responsibly, increasing their revenue by as much as 40%-65% a year. Her expertise includes teaching companies how to build triple-digit margin growth and offer a funnel of products for decade-sustaining earnings in dynamic industries and markets. She is a Senior Fellow of Social Innovation and Executive-in-Residence at Babson College.
Resources are members of The Regenerative Business Alliance.
“Carol Sanford’s probing questions helped us think more clearly about who we are as a company and how we can become more effective at achieving our mission. How can we, ourselves, and all of our employees shape and resonate with the goals of the business at a deep level? Carol offered ways for placing our highest human values at the center of our business, so that the business can become more relevant in the world and more rewarding to both customers and employees.”
– Dirk B. Wassink, General Manager, Second Use Materials, Inc.