TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – Jeffrey Hollender – Establishing and Working with Boards
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Jeffrey Hollender has been on for-profit and not for profit, held advisory and director seats, formed boards for his serial entrepreneur set of companies. He answered questions to help get a better handle of the Board’s role.

TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – Danny Almagor
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This podcast with Danny Almagor spans his life’s work across education, storytelling, impact investing and entrepreneurship, through the lens of Small Giants. The conversation highlights the inner and outer journey he has gone through to actualise what he calls The Healing Vortex, a synthesis of wisdom and action that he hopes can guide us all towards connection, wholeness and love. read more…

TRC – The Responsible Capitalist – Sidney Cano
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TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – Christian Shearer – Regen Network
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Christian Shearer has been working in Regenerative Agriculture for the past 15 years, working with small-holder farmers in SE Asia, working with natural products companies through Terra Genesis International, and now leads the technology company Regen Network in redefining the relationship between economics and ecology. His work is part of a global push to recognize and reward farmers and ranchers for positive ecological stewardship of landscapes.
Learn more by visiting www.regen.network

TRC – The Responsible Capitalist – Rebecca Henderson
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Rebecca Henderson, Harvard Professor, John and Natty McArthur University Professor at Harvard Business School, Reimagining Capitalism in a World On Fire. Rebecca speaks of three interconnected problems that require business to step up to leadership. She gives five steps, with case stories that light a practical path, for individual businesses, collective initiatives where one business can’t do it alone, cooperating to influence stubborn problems with government influence, rewiring finance and fostering collaboration for targeted larger regulation support and labor practice innovation.

TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – Regenerative Travel
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Meet David Leventhal and Amanda Ho, the founders behind Regenerative Travel, a new online travel portal dedicated to connecting travelers to conscious experiences and Regenerative Resorts. Learn what it means to travel in a ‘regenerative’ way and why the co-founders were inspired to create a collection of independent boutique hotels dedicated to environmental and social impact.

TRC – The Responsible Capitalist – Laura Ortiz Montemayor
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We interview Laura Ortiz Montemayor, Chief Purpose Officer, SVX Mexico
Hear about how a “Mompreneur” enables impact potential for the financial sector in Mexico and Latin America. The intersection between Impact Investing, Climate Finance and enabling investments that target the regeneration of biodiversity. Ensuring that LIFE is served by wealth instead of being governed by it.
Laura’s contact information
website: www.svx.mx
Medium @lauraom
Twitter @lauraomdg

TRC – The Responsible Capitalist – Marjorie Kelly
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The Responsible Capitalist, interview with Marjorie Kelly, The Democracy Collaborative, about a new book by her and Ted Howard; The Making of a Democratic Economy.

TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – John-Paul Maxfield
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Join me for a free-ranging, engaged conversation with John-Paul Maxfield. Maxfield is the founder of Waste Farmers, more of an enterprise than just a business. Precisely it is a holding company, the first one to gain B-Corp certification. It works to cover the considerations that regenerative agriculture must be accountable to and for. John-Paul was open to questions that took him in new directions and explorations. He rose to the challenge. As well as providing some important guidelines to farmers everywhere and those of us who depend on them. Think about what your answers would be to the same questions John-Paul took and offered. Then send us some reflections. We may publish them and interview you about your business next.
Follow up with John-Paul at jpmaxfield@wastefarmers.com
About Waste Farmers:
Waste Farmers is the parent company of Batch 64 as well as the first regenerative holding and operating company based in Denver. They develop people, businesses and brands that transform emerging social and environmental needs into market-based opportunities.
About Batch:64
For conscious cannabis producers in need of growing medium Batch 64 is the first cannabis cultivation solutions company built on the ethos of trust, consistency in craftsmanship, and innovation. Batch 64 is committed to transparency, and our regenerative, multi-stakeholder purpose works to provide the latest advancements in cultivation standards, enabling our customers the ability to deliver an undeviated high-yield, the high-quality product through our premium solutions.
About John-Paul Maxfield:
In 2009, founder John-Paul Maxfield left the world of private equity without a clear plan for his future. He had a belief that idealism and capitalism can coexist. John-Paul didn’t know what the next 9 years (and three kids later) would look like but knew that building an enduring company is the most powerful lever for addressing emerging social and environmental needs. That’s why he founded Waste Farmers and is hell-bent on building the biggest and most responsible conglomerate in the history of mankind.
Additionally, John-Paul is a co-founder of Colorado Americana Band, Coal Town Reunion. Coal Town Reunion recently release a new Album entitled “Stories we Tell”, listen here: https://open.spotify.com/album/3pdx7pr25CP7ZgFeONCWcD. Songwriting is an extension of the creative process for John-Paul and many of the themes relevant to the purpose of Waste Farmers or the journey of being an entrepreneur make their way into many of CTR’s songs.
Waste Farmers Website: http://wastefarmers.com/
Waste Farmers Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcRwsmUh7no
Batch:64 Website: http://batch64.com/
Coal Town Reunion: http://www.coaltownreunion.com/
TRE – The Responsible Entrepreneur – All Good
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Carol interviews Caroline Duell, Founder and CEO of All Good. Hear her story, her husband Ryan Rich’s farming roots, and how the two are growing the company, All Good, with open minds and a creative process for ongoing betterment.